Test Results

  • Most test results will be available within 7-10 days - laboratory results from Royal Liverpool Hospital are received electronically; everything else is received by fax or post.
  • If you have had a test which has been requested by a hospital doctor then the result will go directly to them and NOT to your GP. Please do not ask reception or your GP for these results. The hospital doctor will be in touch with you regarding the result; alternatively please contact the hospital doctors secretary to ask for the result. 
  • You can access your blood results online via the patient access or NHS app.
  • We will contact you by text message/phone/post if any essential action is required. Occasionally, we will contact you by telephone if it is more urgent.Therefore, please make sure the surgery has an up to date record of your address and telephone numbers at all times.
  • The practice observes strict confidentiality policy regarding personal data protection, and hence we will only release test results to the patient. The only exceptions are if we have been given prior permission to discuss test results with a third party.